
Now our severe winter is behind us, it’s time to get your rooftop solar system operating at peak performance for summer.

A solar service by a Sharpe Group technician is money well spent as your whole system will be tested and analysed. This is particularly important if you have moved into a house with an older rooftop solar array already installed.

Systems can be compromised by winter grime on panels and a host of other problems, including shoddy original installation or even rodents chewing through cabling.

Sharpe technicians’ full service starts by cleaning up to 20 panels free of charge. They then clear any debris from around and under your rooftop array, visually checking for any fractures, browning or corrosion of components, the tension of connections, integrity of seals, cable glands and clamps.

They then test and measure the open-circuit voltage and short-circuit current.

A vital switchboard check will confirm you have the correct labelling for your system, and the circuit breakers and solar array isolation device are working properly.

All this adds up to peace of mind that every component meets current industry safety standards.

Sharpe technician can also advise on possible upgrades to your system if it is a few years old.