
Trouble in the waterworks

Sharpe Services has a simple message for homeowners: Ignore warning signs of plumbing problems and repair costs will add up quicker than you can count.

Has your water bill become excessive? Do your pipes make a hammering sound when you turn a tap on? Is water slow to drain away from the shower?

Say yes to any of these questions and you need to call a Sharpe Services plumbing expert.

Adelaide’s reactive clay soils, combined with ageing galvanised pipework, can cause long-term problems. The same applies to household drains, especially those with older earthenware pipes.

Another issue is Adelaide’s frequent mains water failures. A surge in pressure when a street’s water supply is restored often over-stresses ageing galvanised pipes.

Sharpe’s experienced and certified plumbers can remedy any problem involving water leaks and drain blockages.

A fixed-price plumbing inspection service is also available that identifies issues before they become problems.

Does your shower drain make a gurgling sound?

Has your water bill increased compared to the same period last year?

Do you get hammerlock when you turn a tap on?