
Not servicing your Evap Cooler regularly can cost you a new ceiling and roof

Not servicing your Evap Cooler regularly can cost you a new ceiling and roof

Evaporative Coolers, commonly known as swamp coolers, are an essential cooling system in dry climates like South Australia. The system works by cooling warm outside air as it passes through moist filter pads, resulting in cool air blown into your home. While these coolers are efficient and cost-effective, they need regular maintenance and servicing to function correctly.

Importance of Regular Servicing

Proper maintenance and servicing of Evaporative Coolers are crucial to avoid water leaks that can damage your home’s roof and ceiling. Without proper servicing, the risks of swamp cooler leaks increase, resulting in costly repairs and replacement. This is why it’s essential to have your cooler serviced by professionals like Sharpe.

Risks of Not Servicing Your Evaporative Cooler

1. Rusty Roof

In 30% of Evaporative service checks, loose ducting and connections were found after a stressful summer season. Ducting and connections can deteriorate, come loose and leak water, which can cause serious damage to your ceiling and roof.

2. Ceiling Damage

Damaging wind gusts, hail, and dust storms can severely clog cooling pads, seize water pumps, block airways and rust internal parts. This results in poorly performing Evaporative Coolers that will eventually break down and start leaking.

3. Unit Burnt Out

Mud and sludge-filled units lead to pumps and fan motor burnt out, creating a massive repair or replacement cost. It’s always better to be safe than sorry!

4. Increased Running Costs and Fire Risk

Disrupted water supply can cause the pump to overheat as it runs dry, resulting in increased running costs and a fire risk. If a rooftop unit starts a fire, it is likely to take hold long before residents below become aware.

Common Causes of Swamp Cooler Leaks

1. Clogged Filter Pads

Winter weeds and debris can clog filter pads, leading to blocked airflow and leaks. Regular replacement of filter pads is essential to maintain proper functioning and avoid leaks.

2. Damaged Ducting and Connections

Ducting and connections can be damaged due to age and windy weather. The damaged ducting and connections lead to leaks and decreased performance.

3. Faulty Float Valve

The Float Valve controls the water level in the cooler. If the float valve fails, it can cause an overflow, leading to leaks and water damage.

4. Check the Water Supply System

Regular checking of the water supply system ensures proper functioning and avoids leaks.

Signs that Your Cooler is Leaking

1. Reduced Cool Air Output

If your cooler is producing less cool air despite proper fan function, it may be a sign of a leak. Contact professionals for inspection and repair.

2. Water Leak or Dampness

Water leaks or dampness in the area around the cooler are a clear sign of a leak. Call licensed evaporative techs for immediate repair.

3. Discolored or Stained Ceiling and Roof

If your ceiling or roof is discolored or stained, it may be due to water leaks from your cooler. Contact evaporative experts to avoid further damage.

4. Increased Water Usage or Water Line Damage

If you notice increased water usage or damage to the water line, it may be a sign of a leak. Contact Sharpe for professional inspection and repair.

Importance of Proper Shutdown and Recommissioning

Proper shutdown and recommissioning of the Evaporative Cooler are essential to avoid leaks and rusted internal parts. The process involves winterizing the system to ensure it’s ready for summer. It’s recommended to have this done by professionals like Sharpe.


Regular maintenance and servicing of your Evaporative Cooler are essential to avoid swamp cooler leaks that can lead to costly repairs and replacement. Call 8262 5000 for affordable evaporative cooler solutions