
A safety switch should be tested at least once or twice a year to ensure they are in good working order.

Some models have a written instruction to test monthly, underlining the importance of ensuring they are operating properly.
If they are not put through a regular test operation the internals can become slow to operate or even lock up. As a safety switch is designed to operate in a fraction of a second, it is obvious they need to be working at peak efficiency.

Before you run a test, tell other occupants of the household what you are doing so they don’t suddenly lose power when on a computer, etc.
Then go to the switchboard, identify the safety switch and test it by pressing the “Test” or “T” button. The safety switch should immediately trip to the “Off” position. Now return the switch to the “On” position.

If the switch does not trip to the “Off” position after you have pressed the “Test” button, turn off the mains power and call a licensed electrician.

For further information or to book a technician, please call Sharpe on 131 750.