
The case for smoke alarm interconnection

Two Senate inquiries into smoke detectors and non-conforming building products have found one thing in common.

Some materials and furnishings used in modern buildings are contributing to an increased risk of fires escalating into full combustion.

One fire industry expert told a Senate inquiry last year that some modern synthetic furnishings could quickly progress a house fire to a full-scale “flashover’’. This is where a fire turns from a blaze into an inferno.

Underwriters Laboratories, a world leader in product safety testing, recently claimed residential fires pose more risk than ever before.

The US-based research giant had undertaken previous studies to determine the speed fire accelerates in modern homes compared to those built from the 1950s to the 1970s.

It now claims today’s houses can reach the “flashover” point eight times faster than before, mainly due to the increasing use of synthetic materials.

The SA Metropolitan Fire Service has timely advice to concerned householders.

It recommends the interconnection of multiple smoke detectors and alarms, all hardwired to the mains 240-volt power supply.

This means if one alarm is sounded, the rest will activate throughout the building, giving residents early warning to escape.

At Sharpe-ERS, we are leaders in home electrical safety, and offer a full service to households wishing to review their fire safety. Our technicians can supply and install the most suitable system for any building application.