
Don’t let this happen to you

One of the most common solar failures this time of year is caused by water getting into the isolator.

The two main causes are shoddy installation or the isolator being one of several subject to an industry recall.

Sharpe Services’ certified solar technician Dean was called to a Woodcroft property this week when a water-soaked isolator failed. A smear of silicone sealer had been applied, probably by the original slap-happy installer, who was only interested in making a quick buck and then disappearing for good.

Located high up on the roof and out of sight it was a ticking time bomb.

Much like the major recall of Takaka airbags in cars, the consumer uptake on dodgy isolators has been painfully slow. However, the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) warning is blunt: “Could present a risk of fire or electrocution.”

How safe is your solar? Do you have one of the isolators subject to industry recall?

Call Sharpe Services so our certified and experience solar technicians can safety-check and service your system.