
Don’t breathe mould, dust mite allergens, fungi and bacteria

These situations can easily be avoided if your evaporative system is serviced regularly. Think about it!

The gradual buildup of moisture and dirt stuck in the cooling pads that are not serviced regularly and other parts of the system can be detrimental to existing respiratory conditions like asthma, worsening the symptoms drastically. More so, it can trigger other respiratory related issues. 2.7 million Australians suffer from Asthma, and both indoor and outdoor air triggers can cause irritation and lead to respiratory-related issues.

Sludge-filled coolers provide a microenvironment that promotes the growth of organic and rotting materials, leading to serious health risks. 

Your Evaporative cooling pads and filters can become a perfect breeding ground for bacteria, fungus and create a perfect living environment for weeds to grow and take over the system, causing mechanical issues and more critical health related issues because of the air it distributes across the entire house — the air your family is breathing.