
Birds made a meal of wiring

Sharpe Services techs get regular emergency callouts to households that have experienced a sudden loss of power.

Often it’s in just one part of the house. In this case all the electrics were blacked out.

Sharpe’s tech ran specialist testing equipment over the switchboard to determine exactly which circuits were being affected.

The problem was traced to wiring in the kitchen. Parrots had got into the ceiling space and wall cavity, gnawing through cabling in their efforts to set up home.

Carefully accessing the affected areas, our experienced tech soon had the intruders removed and the wiring reinstated and compliant.

By law, only fully certified and insured electricians are allowed to test switchboards and electrical circuits.

Home-handy-types should never attempt to work on household electrics as it could have disastrous results both for them and the occupants of the building.

Simply call Sharpe and our techs will be straight around to sort things out, even in this holiday period.

If your household electrics go “bang” call Sharpe Services any time of the day or night.

Our techs can be there “within the hour” to restore power and ensure your switchboard and associated electrics are safe and legal.