
Don’t block up your finances

A predicted wet winter should have home owners on alert.

Already the good rains compared to previous years have had Sharpe Services’ licensed plumbers battling the effects of cracked pipework and leaks due to soil contraction.

Ignore these problems now and you will pay big-time when summer comes around.

Adelaide has some of the world’s most reactive soils, sitting on clay that reacts violently to changes in moisture. Scorching summer soils become winter quagmires as Adelaide responsive clays try to cope with our four distinct seasons.

Insurance industry analysts agree that this soil reaction causes more property damage in SA than bushfires or other natural disasters.

Add in the fact that many of Adelaide’s water pipes and drains are old and brittle and you can see where this is leading.

Soil movement combined with water pipe and drain leaks can trigger subsidence, threatening the structural integrity of a home and its internal plumbing.

Even if the pipework and drains survive winter, as the weather improves ahead of spring plants will start growing vigorously.

Their roots will quickly find their way into any cracked pipes.

As the soil dries in summer the roots will go on a desperate quest for survival, seeking any available moisture leeching from cracked pipework. The result is blocked sewer lines or stormwater runoff pipes.

How old is your house and its plumbing? Do you have a history of drain leaks and blockages? Is there evidence of dampness along walls, or plants suddenly sprouting near the house? Have pathway pavers started to tilt upwards? What’s your water bill like compared to the same period last year?

Sharpe Services can save you money by fixing any plumbing issue now. Sharpe staff are COVID-19 Aware, and are Responsible, Sanitised and Up to Date – Adopting Best Practice.