
How safe is your solar?

The above photo is a serious and frequent isolator problem seen by our technicians. Less stringent standards for older components and poor workmanship allowed rainwater to seep into the device. The resulting short damaged several other components and was a dangerous fire risk. A recent industry audit found that 80% of “unsafe” solar systems had problems related to the isolator.

Here are some frequently asked questions received by our technicians:

- Do you have a solar time bomb? How common are Solar System Problems?

Last month, a Federal warning was sent to the South Australian Government urging them to protect solar users from poorly installed systems. The letter came following a national review that found 25% of all residential solar systems installed after 2011 had issues classified as “severe or high risk”. The same review identified sub-standard wiring as a major issue in solar system installations.

- What else could be wrong with my system?

Many residential solar systems were installed with recalled or defective panels and inverters, limiting energy savings. The exposed nature of your system makes it vulnerable to weather or animal damage, especially cabling and connectors.

- What can be done about this?

Our worry free solar system service will ensure that your system is operating safely and efficiently. Sharpe technicians can install power monitoring devices to help you detect any abnormal changes in power production and assist in the early detection of faults. Systems that are 5 or more years old would benefit from new components that meet current safety standards.

If you are thinking of investing in solar for your home or just upgrading your current system; any installation should be conducted using accredited technicians with systems approved by the Clean Energy Council.